Level Four: 10-12
A Classic Reading Challenege ,
Oh boy!
I have been wanting to read classics for a while. But everytime I look at one, I get scared that I will not be able to finish it. Thats why I am so glad that I've found this , challenges always motivate me.
The rules are to read books written prior to 1980.
Okay so these are the 12 classic books I picked to read during 2012 :
- To Kill A Mocking Bird
- Wuthering Heights
- Jane Eyre
- Alice Adventures In Wonderland ( Its quite sad really that I have never actually read this)
- The Count Of Monte Cristo
- 1984
- Don Quixonte
- The Hobbit
- The Fellowship Of The Ring
- The Two Towers
- The Return Of The King
- The Scarlet Letter
Hello! This is Jessica from Thoughts At One In The Morning. I wanted to let you know I've got a review link up post up now for The Classics Reading Challenge 2012. Feel free to check it out and post your reviews there: http://thoughtsatoneinthemorning.blogspot.com/2012/09/classics-challenge-review-link-up.html